Corporate Service
We can put back in what your 9 to 5 takes out. The modern work environment is body unfriendly, sitting for long periods of time has been shown to be detriment to your posture and this can lead to pain and dysfunction and ultimately can lead to more serious problems.
Pain Coaching
Our pain coaching service, using evidence-based techniques, will help you to escape from the long term and persistent pain states.
Dry Needling
The use of fine solid needles to deactivate and remove painful knots in muscles. Those knots cause pain and suffering by reducing the circulation of blood to and preventing the removal of toxic byproducts from affected muscles.
All needles are sterile single-use and hygienic.
Injury Rehabilitation
At the Belvedere Clinic, we believe that one size does not fit all when it comes to rehab. Our rehab programmes are tailormade to assist the athlete back to full health and function.
Normatec Recovery System
The Normatec recovery system is used widely in the NFL and NBA where player recovery is essential in professional baskeball and football. The system is exclusively available in Wicklow at the Belvedere clinic. For more information on the system check out their website: https://www.normatecrecovery.com A forty five minute session is considered to be the equivalent of 24 hours rest.
Sports Massage
Deep tissue massage, to promote healing, maximise your training and prepare for competition.
Other services include:
- ACL risk assessment
- Athletic Strapping and Taping
- Positional Release Therapy
- Muscle Energy Techniques
- Myofascial tissue release
For more information call the Belvedere Clinic:
T: 0862468014
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.