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disk mri scans

A large number of people who don’t present at the Doctor with pain symptoms have a lot of “abnormal” findings on MRI scans. So what can we deduce from this? This research by Brinjki et al (2014), illustrates the fact that changes happen in the spine as we age, these changes are not related to pain and loss of function, they just happen as we age.

In the same way that some people lose their hair as they grow older or other people’s hair changes colour, the spine also changes as it ages. We do not associate these hair changes as dysfunction and link them to headaches, or facial pain, we simply accept them as being a normal part of the aging process, nor should we automatically blame these changes in the back for pain.

Pain is a complex multi-system output created by the brain in response to perceived threat, It is not always tied to a simple injury or damage, sometimes the pain can be present where there is no physical damage, and it can be absent in the presence of significant physical harm.

If you are worried about back pain (or any other pain), talk to a Physical Therapist. You will get advice and treatment that is appropriate to you.

The Belvedere Clinic is here to make a difference. Based in Charlesland in the Go Gym beside the Shoreline sports centre, treatments are available by appointment from early in the morning to late at night.

If you would like more information on any of our services please get in touch, either via our contact page or if you prefer you can call on 086 246 8014 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. @ClinicBelvedere on Facebook and Instagram




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logoThe Belvedere Clinic is a Physical Therapy practice operating clinics in Greystones and Wicklow Town. Using a holistic system of diagnosis and treatment for musculoskeletal disturbances.


The Belvedere Clinic

Address: c/o The Go Gym, Charlesland, Greystones

Phone: (086) 246 8014

